Carol Montgomery

Vice Chair of Board of Directors

“I believe that GIY plays a valuable role in delivering a more sustainable world by inspiring people to grow some of their own food.”

Carol Montgomery grew up eating fruit and vegetables that her parents grew in their garden, although she admittedly took their efforts for granted.  In recent years, along with her husband and young children, she has really come to appreciate the joy & pride that comes from growing your own food from scratch.  She finds gardening to be a calming and rewarding antidote to what can be a hectic world.

Carol has over 20 years’ experience in local, regional and global marketing teams on consumer brands in food and drink sectors.  Her current role is Head of Society & Brand Experiences for Guinness and she has a personal passion for business that makes a positive impact on society.

GIY stories

Meet some of our GIYers (that’s people who grow some of their own food) who all champion Food Empathy – a deeper understanding and connection with food from their experience of growing. If you want food done right, then grow it yourself.


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